Th Holy Rosary Opening palil
Almighty G-d, Big Amma Mama whose footstool is the highest firmament:
Great Ruler of Heaven, and all the powers therein:
Hear the palil's (prayer) of thy Servants, who put their trust in thee.
We will thee, supply our needs from day to day: we command thy
Heavenly Mother to comfort and succor us:
That it may be to thy glory and unto the good of man.
Forgive us our transgressions as we forgive our brothers and sisters:
be present with us: strengthen and sustain us:
For we are but instruments in thy hands.
Let us not fall into temptation but defend us from all evil and danger:
Let thy mighty power ever guard and protect us.
Thou grant us Knowledge and Wisdom:
Instruct thy servants by thy Holy Presence:
Guide and Support us, now and forever.
Closing Palils
O Gentle, O Kind, O Blissed Hashema,
Thy children on earth call unto thee.
We will thee, Beloved Mother, to cast forth
thy net of woven starlight.
Fling it wide across the ocean of the universe
to gather us back home to Heaven.
“Through Ha-Palils {prayer}, We recognize our Creators & come close to ELOYHIM. And being close to ELOYHIM is Th ultimate pleasure in life.”